Tuesday 9 June 2015

Look at what we've been learning in maths today!!!!!

We are learning to solve word problems using multiplication strategies.
These are some of the strategies we used - Splitting numbers (12 = 10+2). place value partitioning (10+10+10=30, 2+2+2=6), multiplication (3x10=30, 3x2=6).

We think we can use these strategies to figure out other word problems and equations such as;
You can try and give it a go too! use our examples above to help you and let us know how you go : )

Great work Room 1, keep it up!!!!!

Saturday 6 June 2015

Hey kids, go and check out this cool site that has heaps of cool activities!!

- Whaea Edith

Thursday 4 June 2015

Feed the Need is an organisation that provides low decile schools with fresh, hot lunches.
With the support from Whaea Simone (administration staff), we are fortunate enough to receive hot soups and stews every Tuesday and Thursday during the winter period, starting this week.
Room 1 absolutely love them, and they look forward to receiving their hot lunches.

Feed the Need not only provide hot lunches for every single child in the school, they also provide all the cutlery, serviettes, bread rolls and butter.

Thank you Feed the Need!!!!!!